Urgent translations in 24 hours.

We're often in a rush and can't wait 3 to 4 days for translations.
Ask about our urgent translation service with delivery in 24 hours.

When do you need your translation by?

The average delivery for a translation is 3 to 4 working days. However, if your original is more than 10 pages long, or it is a sworn translation, then it may take longer... Ask us for an exact quote and we'll give you a standard delivery time.

If you need your translation sooner, ask about our Urgent Translation service, which normally halves the delivery times. We're used to work under pressure, we've been known to work true miracles!

Documents and languages translated
Prices and tariffs for translation

1. Standard Translation Delivery Period

Our standard translation delivery time is 3 to 4 days, for straightforward documents of up to 10 pages into common languages such as Spanish, English, French, German, Catalan, Italian or Portuguese.

2. Urgent Translation Delivery Time

We provide a 24-hour urgent translation service for very brief documents (2 to 3 pages). If you have a larger volume, keep in mind that the urgent translation service will allow to half the standard delivery period.

How fast do you need your translation?

Urgent translation in 24 hours.

We can deliver short urgent translations in 24 to 48 hours.
Or if they are larger translations, we can half the delivery time.

Halving standard delivery times.

We can deliver an urgent translation in 24 hours (or less), provided the original is simple text, in a common language (English, French, German, etc.) and does not exceed 2,000 words (about 4 or 5 pages). Processing a translation as urgent normally entails halving the standard delivery times: we start translating immediately, assigning several translators if necessary, we'll translate outside normal working hours, Saturdays and public holidays, etc. Whatever is needed to deliver the translation as soon as possible.

Urgent translation surcharge

Urgent translations are obviously slightly more expensive. The surcharge for urgent translation is normally about 30%.

Example of urgent translation delivery times

Examples of translations of simple subjects (not technical), received in editable format (Word, Excel, HTML, PDF...), to be translated into any main western languages: Spanish, English, French, German, Catalan, Italian, Portuguese, etc.

1-page translation: 3 hours
Translation of a 5-page manual: 24 hours
Translation of a 10-page website: 48 hours
Translation of a 15-page contract: 48 hours
Sworn translation of Articles of Association: 72 hours

When the delivery time is priority

The ideal scenario is always to have enough time to spend on reviewing a translation.
But sometimes there isn't enough time and the absolute priority is to deliver it ASAP.
- Request your urgent translation right now! -

Need an urgent translation in 24h.?

Tell us what you need translating and into which languages: English, French...and however many others.
If you have the original, please provide it so we can give you with an exact quote.

Your contact data will remain private. We comply with GDPR requirements.

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Urgent response within 1 hour

Make sure your email clearly states "Urgent Translation" and provide us with as much information as possible.
In less than an hour, we'll confirm whether we can take on the task and we'll provide you with a price and delivery time.

Customer support in English and Spanish

Ask us about any query or question regarding your translation project.

Tel. +44 2071579870 info@ibidemgroup.com

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IBIDEM GROUP Ltd. was established in 2003, by virtue of deed 4124 granted in Spain by the Notary Santiago García Ortiz, and registered at the Commercial Registry of Barcelona (Spain), volume 36.206, sheet 0063, page 280795, with TVA number ESB63391445.


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